Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Phil's Day

Happy Groundhog Day. Punxutawney Phil is in the press again. I see this year he was politically incorrect, as usual, wearing real fur.

Anyway, its another winter storm here in the NYC area. This time its ice. Not nice. Another day for the nice shoes and threads to stay in the closet.

The 4 or 5 of you good people who read this web log (okay maybe I'm exaggerating...3 or 4) may have noticed I didn't have much to say during January. Or then again, maybe you didn't notice. That's the issue I've been mulling over for the past month.

I've been doing some physical therapy for the tendonitis in my ankle, as I sit there and count to 30 doing boring exercises I've been thinking, do I continue this thing? Does anybody read it? Does anyone care what I'm wearing today, or what I plan on buying, or what I bought, or who I kissed. What was that?

There are so many men's fashion blogs out there and God knows most do it better than I do.

So if there is anyone out there, what do you suggest? Go away and leave the blogosphere a better place? Begin to feature more pleated pants and tab collar shirts? Try out some 2 for $18 Faded Glory Jeans from Walmart?

What Say ye?

p.s. just in case you were wondering, today I'm shoveling snow & ice in my Tellason x ACL jeans, red wing boots, and j. jcrew jaspe henley.


Anonymous said...

If you've still got something to say, then keep blogging. If anything, for yourself to look back on in a few years and jog your memory.

JB said...

Thanks US.

one_step said...


Keep on man, I check it every time it's updated. Oh and before I forget thanks for the recommendations while we were in NYC. Joe's Pizza was delish and we really enjoyed our time there. Thanks so much again.


P.S. Check out my blog anytime. I'm in the process of getting it up and running. Let me know what you think.

Anonymous said...

Keep blogging friend. I stumbled upon your blog as I am a huge Jcrew fan. Their stuff is top quality and when they have sales, it is beyond insane in terms of the quality for the price. I've also learned quite a bit from your blog on other high quality fashion brands...Allen Edmonds - may have to save up my pennies as you say...Moscot - looking to go there when I update my eyewear (Lemtosh)...Keep blogging as I check up every so often to see what awesome purchases you've made and live vicariously...awesome wingtip boots, so envious.

jcrew guy in Canada said...

Hang in there JB, read your blog all the time.

JB said...

Thanks peeps. Glad someone is reading !