Wednesday, December 2, 2009

To be continued.....

About a month ago, Jake Davis, who writes one of favorite blogs, held a contest. The theme of the contest was for the readers of Jake's blog to pick the top three men's (life)style blogs out there. I think Jake listed around 30 blogs or so, if I remember correctly. Some of these I read, some I don't. I can tell you, the ones I read, are really well done. (A Continuous Lean won top honors)

They're original, they're always informative, and they're really thought provoking.

It got me thinking, I kinda like doing my blog, but really, what am I adding? Maybe a few people give 2 hoots about my latest obsession from J Crew, but does it really go any further than that?

So I've been thinking over the past month, what can I do to make it so this blog actually matters? What can I do to make it a bit more relevant?

The answer? I'm not sure.

So while I continue to add great J. Crew pieces to my shrinking closet, I'll keep thinking of how I can make this thing more appealing.

Enjoy the Holiday Season!

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