Monday, April 12, 2010

Heard the on the Street

Walking down Wall St yesterday. There is a dude, probably 30s, in a putrid sky blue matching track suit, talking on his phone.

He's being so loud. Obnoxious.

As I walk by I hear "Are you kidding me? If that was me, I'd be a millionaire, I mean I already am a millionaire, but I'd be a multi-millionaire!"

Ok genius, why don't you take a few dollars and do something about that track suit.


Anonymous said...

JB, I'll tell you this, chap. Style is created by one's imagination to see the bigger picture. All the riches that man may have, he can't buy himself a creative mind.

He could hire one, but it's no fun when you can't have fun dressing yourself, honestly.

JB said...

Amen to that AK!