Thursday, April 29, 2010

No Grass

It's been a while, I know. I haven't forgotten you....that is, if anyone is reading out there.

I want to change topics to vent a little. No one else probably wants to hear me, so why not here.

Let's talk about grass. No, not that. The other Grass. Kentucky Blue Grass. Fescue. All that good stuff. You can exit now if you sense boredom....

My backyard developed some bare spots at the end of last summer and thru the fall/winter. Being the master yardsman that I am (wink wink), I did some major work clearing the areas, turning over the soil, putting down special grass seed, and buying special weed-free hay to cover it up with.

Ran the sprinklers. Ran the sprinklers. Ran the sprinklers.

Two weeks later, I ain't seein' much grass!

Now come on! I was a workwear workhorse out there! My Levi's 501 STF (which are starting to break in nicely), my J Crew buffalo plaid flannel and my Red Wing boots (which took some beating that weekend).

A full day's work and about $100 of materials. Not too happy.

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