Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Chamois Shirt

Seems everywhere I looked this fall, somebody was hawking their version of the authentic Chamois Shirt. I really didn't pay much attention to it at first, as the thought of a shirt that resembled a piece of leather didn't do much for me.

About a week ago I gave the J. Crew version a try-on. Maybe it was the color, maybe the feel of the cotton, but it did nothing for me.

So I started reading up on the shirt. The ultimate outdoor and hunting shirt it seems. Ok, then, makes sense that all the hipsters in the big cities on the coasts would want to be sporting one. Not a big fan of flannel shirts, but I decided to give another look.

There were no shortgage of options out there. Here's just a few:
J. Crew


LL Bean Signature


I decided to give the LL Bean Signature version a try. Didn't expect much, except to be sending it back.

Ironically, I received it today and I couldn't be happier. The Adobe Orange color is the perfect shade if you dig Orange (and I do). Fit is just as you'd expect from LLBS. Must say I'm really impressed. The throwback to the 1933 archicves makes this one a great classic addition to the Fall wardrobe.

Best of all, you'll get no Kurt Cobain comparisons when wearing this beauty.


Anonymous said...

I think it's more than safe to day LL Bean is making a huge recovery. J. Crew is nice and all that jazz BUT LL (not cool J) has better quality items.

Smart choice with the orange one.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could pull off orange. Even from the pics, the LL Bean looks higher quality than the J Crew shirt.