Thursday, May 28, 2009


A lot of blogs do a great job of uncovering fabulous fashion and individuals with unique flair.

Most times, when keeping an eye out for such elements of style, I can't help but notice the enormous amounts of horrible style out there. And I'm in the NYC area, so one would think that the fashion meter should be a little higher.

Let's take for a minute the issue of shoes. Each day my eyes are subject to countless sightings of the horrible looking shoes in the pic above. I see them on the train, at work, on the street, on older men and younger dudes. I have had enough of this dreaded style. Matter of fact, I think the expiration date on these shoes was circa 2001.

I think the "style" is called bicycle toe. Huge square toe, clunky, dead-black, low quality replicas made in God knows where. Ok, I'll admit that in '96 I thought square toe shoes were pretty up-to-date too. But things move on. 13 years later, clueless dudes are still getting mileage out of the square toe dogs. Come on! Now its bad enough when the shoes are lace ups as in the pic, but when the shoes are actually slip-ons...oh's like a train wreck, so bad that I can't look away.

Maybe I'll count the number of these clunkers that I see on the commute home tonight for fun. If you know a guy walking around in these, please have the heart to tell him.

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