Friday, May 29, 2009

We make a lot of garbage!

It truly amazes me what comes out of my kids' mouths some days. Yesterday I picked my daughter up from preschool. On the ride home I asked her how her day was and what she did. She told me about how her teacher read her a book about garbage. At first I thought she was joking.

Then she went on to tell me how garbage is packaged together and put on a ship and taken out into the ocean to be dumped. Daddy, she said, we make a lot of garbage and we need to recycle. We need to buy big white containers and put our glass, aluminum, plastic and paper in them.

M1 isn't even 4 years old yet, mind you. And she is fully versed in how to recycle and why its important!

I was pretty floored. Lucky for me, it was paper recycling day so I had quite a pile of stuff to show her. She was pretty happy to hear that the recycling man would come pick up the papers soon. I don't think she knows exactly what "recycling" means, but she's got a pretty good head start!


Malcolm said...

What a cool story. It's never too early to start caring about the environment.

james at 10engines said...

this is awesome, give it a try, ebay copies around etc. enjoying the reads here.

JB said...

Thanks James! I think I'll pick that up for my daughter.