Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thank you MJ

I couldn't let the death of MJ go without comment.

I grew up with Michael's music, my first memory of him being when I got the Off The Wall LP for Christmas in '79. I was just 7 years old but that album shaped my musical tastes for the rest of my life.

I don't think an album will ever be a enormous as Thriller was, ever again in my lifetime. How can you begin to measure the profound influence it had on popular society, around the globe?

Just recently I discovered this track "Carousel" from Thriller that was left off the LP. Back when vinyl was king, only 45 minutes was available for an album. I read somewhere that MJ and Quincy Jones worked on 300 songs for this album. Just imagine the wonderful music that would have made it onto Thriller had the 80 minute CD been available?

MJ's music will live in me forever. I promise that I'll pass it on to my children.

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gunayaa83 said...
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